Most Destructive Pest ‘Red Palm Weevil’ Strikes Co
Le phénomène, l’insecte sont très très correctement analysés. En ce qui concerne la lutte on relève quelques préconisations originales:
– taille longue
– confirmation de l’intérêt du Piégeage massif
– Intérêt de la protection physique avec une préparation à la base d’huile de neem l’insecticide bio du pauvre malheureusement suspecté d’être un perturbateur endocrinien.
– regrettable utilisation d’un insecticide organophosphoré le Chlorpyrifos
Control measures:
– Practice clean cultivation by cutting and removing palms already damaged and the decaying stumps in the garden. Such palms should be split open and the different stages of pest inside burned off.
– Avoid injury to the trunk as the pest lay eggs in these wounds. While cutting leaves, retain at least 1m of the petiole.
– Use pheromone trap for attracting weevils and kill the collected ones.
– Fill the crown and the axils of top most three leaves with a mixture of fine sand and neem seed powder or neem seed kernel powder (2:1) once in three months to prevent the attack of rhinoceros beetle damage in which the red palm weevil lays eggs.
– Spray Neem oil or Chlorpyrifos 20 EC or Quinalphos 25 EC @ 2ml per liter of water. Plug the holes in damaged region and pour the insecticide suspension into a slanting hole made above the damaged portion using a funnel. Then plug this hole also. If needed repeat after one week.
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